FastSHAPES® is the generic name for a suite of Plate & Sheet development software programs specifically designed for heavy fabrication where the main jointing technology is welding.
Any large diameter pipework fabricated as "barrels"
Any large or small diameter pipework having complex 3D setting out
Confined to constant Outside Diameter, thickness pipework
Development by radial line method
Up to 200 pipes per run
Fabrication (flat cutting) option for large diameter pipework
Cutting patterns provided for mitre cut ends contained where possible within defined plate widths
Mid-sections patterns provided as a composite length only, to be made up from standard length barrels
Wrap-around template option for small diameter pipework
Provides a single template/pipe including both ends cut and bend marks
DATA REQUIREMENTS List of centerline coordinates at each bend in the run Pipe Details - Material, OD, Thickness Welding details Fabrication Option:
Base Long. Seam angle
Long. Seam offset angle (alternates between adjacent barrels)
Green Details
Min & Max stripped plate widths (for automatic circ. Seam location. Respected where possible)
Wrap-around option:
Coating thickness
Template length (optional)
OUTPUT Educational - as described above
A pattern in any of the following forms ... FastCAM file DXF (2D) file DXF (3D) file Coordinate Table