FastSHAPES Modules
FastSHAPES® is the generic name for a suite of Plate & Sheet development software programs specifically designed for heavy fabrication where the main jointing technology is welding.
The PBRANCH software module is for the development of pipe branches in sheet and plate and provides for flat cutting patterns or wrap-around templets for branch, main and compensating plate elements of a pipe branch in which the main is penetrated for process applications. The branch may be set-in or set-on relative to the main penetration.
The wrap-around templet options permit specification of a thick external coating over which the templet would be wrapped, the templet containing data pertaining to the cutting paths required after removal of the coating. That is, the templet data is taken for the underlying pipe material and transferred to the outside of the coating. Templets are provided on an outside-up basis for plotting via FastCAM or any suitable CAD/CAM software, or for the NC cutting or manual lofting of sheet metal or other materials which may be used as a templet. Templet material is assumed to be of negligible thickness.
The flat cutting patterns are provided on the usual inside-up basis.
Provision exists for the addition of green to the longitudinal seam edges to facilitate rolling. There is no provision for end green, however, the branch pattern by default is cut rectangularly around the marked profile. The profiled edge may be cut by ticking the check box. The penetrations in main and compensating plate are also marked only by default, and may be cut by ticking the appropriate check box.
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